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About the Library

Welcome to the Library at SUNY Geneseo

Everyone is welcome at the SUNY Geneseo Library. With the potential to serve as a place of connection for people and ideas across the College’s disciplinary, community, and racial divides, the Library’s physical and virtual spaces provide a place for people to connect with information as well as each other. The Library staff acknowledges our responsibility to emphasize both of our roles as connector and catalyst for change as we move forward.

Library Mission:

“To provide access to information, expert support for scholarship, and a diverse and inclusive environment where patrons come to study, share ideas, and learn.”

To carry out our mission, we accept our responsibility to further social justice by providing equitable access to information, facilitating the creation of new knowledge, and preserving our history so that we may continue to learn from it. Thus, we are committed to recognizing and addressing the history of systemic bias and inequity in libraries and in librarianship, including our collections, spaces, services, and past recruitment practices.

The Library staff is committed to inclusivity, diversity, equity, and anti-racism. To respond to the challenges of a changing academic library environment, we strive to:

  • Continue to educate ourselves to develop cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity.
  • Foster equitable treatment of everyone in the SUNY Geneseo community.
  • Maintain library spaces that are welcoming, respectful, safe, and accessible to all.
  • Provide members of the college community a wide variety of resources that are free of charge to users, eliminating cost as a barrier to access.
  • Build collections that are inclusive and represent multiple points of view, focusing on materials by a diverse authorship.
  • Make the library’s online resources and technologies universally accessible within our means and adapt to rapidly changing technology.
  • Incorporate inclusive pedagogy when teaching information literacy and research skills so all members of the SUNY Geneseo community can create knowledge.

Our statement of solidarity is also on the SUNY Geneseo Statements of Support and Action Plans for Racial Justice page.

Library Vision

The Library will be the cornerstone of the campus and the community, inspiring innovation, scholarship, and creativity, celebrating achievement, and providing award-winning service.