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For Students: How to Find Required Textbooks

Does the Library have my textbooks or course reserves?


Each semester, Library staff examine the list of faculty textbook requests. We move any library-owned title to our Course Reserve collection in order to benefit a higher number of students. Students can ask for these textbooks by title at the Service Desk.

  • In general, course reserve materials are available for 4 hour loans.
  • Renewals are not allowed on these items and patrons are limited to 2 items checked out at a time from textbooks and course reserves. Plan your study groups accordingly.


For Faculty: Course Reserves

Each semester, Library staff examine the list of faculty textbook requests. We move any library-owned title to our Course Reserve collection in order to benefit a higher number of students. 

Faculty are strongly encouraged to donate copies of textbooks for this highly circulating collection.

Students can ask for these textbooks by title at the Service Desk. Including the call number in your syllabus can be helpful.

Additional materials such as course readings, DVDs, and CDs can also be placed on reserve.

For questions about course reserves, please contact Tim Finnigan (585) 245-5192

Copyright Compliance

Faculty members bear the legal responsibility for complying with copyright laws and obtaining copyright permission from the copyright owner. Faculty must follow the Fair Use Guidelines of the Federal Copyright Law.

If you have questions about copyright compliance: