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About the Library: Accessibility

Assistive Technology and Accessibility Workstations

Assistive Technology RoomAssistive Technology Room Milne 216

Location: 2nd Floor (Main), Room 216

The first of its kind for Geneseo's library, the Assistive Technology Room is a dual- purpose room that can be used as a private space for dictation, as well as for accessibility needs. Priority must be given to patrons with accessibility needs.

This room includes:

  • Fast PC workstation with top-of-the-line processing power and memory
  • FUSION software: JAWS text-to-speech screen-reader and ZoomText screen magnifier
  • DRAGON speech-to-text dictation software
  • Headphones and thumbwheel mouse (ideal for patrons with limited hand mobility), available at the CIT HelpDesk for use with DRAGON and other software usage
  • Motorized adjustable height desk
  • Bariatric ergonomic adjustable chair
  • Table and chairs for support persons or guests

Public Accessibility Workstation Accessibility Workstation with PC, large monitor, adjustable table, bariatric chair

Location: 2nd Floor (Main), Computer Lab area

This workstation features:

  • Fast PC  with top-of-the-line processing power and memory
  • FUSION software: JAWS text-to-speech screen-reader and ZoomText screen magnifier
  • Motorized adjustable height desk
  • Bariatric ergonomic adjustable chair
  • Public or student usage . Priority must be given to patrons with accessibility needs.


  • Microphones, headphones, thumbwheel mouse and digital voice recorders are available for loan at the CIT HelpDesk on the Main Floor of Milne Library. View CIT HelpDesk list and policies for technology available for loan.
  • Earbuds are available for use. Members of the College community can request disposable earbuds by visiting the Service Desk in the Main Floor of Milne Library.

Support Contacts

  • For student Accessibility accommodations, contact the Office of Accessibility Services
  • For technical support with the Accessibility Workstations, visit or contact the CIT HelpDesk, located on the Main Floor of Milne Library



Library Accessibility Policies & Options for Support

Library Accessibility Policies and Options for Support

Library accessibility guidelines and policies will reflect those of the College and the wider community. These guidelines will also adhere to the College principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion since disability awareness and accessibility are important components of these.

  • For student accessibility accommodations, contact the Office of Accessibility Services
  • For technical support with the Accessibility Workstations, visit or contact the CIT HelpDesk, located on the Main Floor of Milne Library
  • For questions regarding Accessibility in Milne Library, please contact Leah Root, Chair of the Library Accessibility Guidelines Team
  • Members of the College community can request books, DVDs, and other materials in the circulating collection using the library catalog (GLOCAT). Materials will be made available for pick up at the Service Desk in the Main Floor of Milne Library.
  • Closed captioning for online meetings and transcripts for chats can be provided.
  • The Library’s websites and applications are routinely scanned to verify web accessibility. Accessibility issues are communicated to stakeholders, and mitigated by appropriate methods.
  • When licensing a new resource from a third-party vendor, the Library requests the vendor to supply a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).
  • If a participant requires accommodations for equal participation in Library consultation appointments and/or instruction sessions, the Library will coordinate with the Office of Accessibility Services.

Library Accessibility Guidelines (LAG) Team

The Library Accessibility Guidelines (LAG) Team is a group of staff members from different units within the Library whose job functions and/or research interests relate to accessibility. Members of the Team make every effort to address accessibility issues and maintain a current knowledge of accessibility best practices. When additional expertise is needed or if an accessibility issue within the Library cannot be independently addressed, members of the LAG Team will report it to the appropriate office, agency, or third-party vendor.

LAG Team Members