Compare the two articles assigned to your group. Is there in-depth analysis or just plot summary and description? Does the author focus on what the novel means and how it fits into the genre? Does the author compare the novel to other novels or discuss literary themes and motifs? Be ready to discuss the merits of both articles!
Group 1
Article 1. "Romance and Revolution: Reading Women's Narratives of Caribbean Decolonization"
Article 2. "Malika Booker: Drama, Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories, Storytelling"
Article 1. "Bernardine Evaristo"
Article 2. "Decolonizing the Mind: Recent Grenadian Fiction"
Article 2. "Michelle Inniss -- Interview"
Group 4
Article 1. "Where I'm Coming From"
Article 2. "Narrating Nationhood: Constructed Identities on Andrea Levy's 'Small Island'"
Group 5
Article 2. Swing Time, by Zadie Smith
Group 6
Article 1. "A Conversation with Zadie Smith"
Group 7
Article 1. "Bernardine Evaristo"
Article 2. "'Love Letter to My Ancestors': Representing Traumatic Memory in Jackie Kay's The Lamplighter"
Group 8
Article 1. "The Body as History and 'Writing the Body': The Example of Grace Nichols"
Article 2 "A Conversation with Zadie Smith"
Group 9
Article 1. Swing Time, by Zadie Smith
Article 2. "‘'Bad Talk’' Made Good: Language Variety in Four Caribbean British Children’s Poets"
Group 10
Article 2. "Where I'm Coming From"
Group 11
Article 1. "Michelle Inniss -- Interview"
Group 1 Use IDS Search and limit to specific libraries.
Group 2 Use IDS Search to compare Keyword and Subject searches.
Group 3 Use IDS Search to practice researching with phrases.
Group 4 Use IDS Search to show how to combine subject terms.
Group 5 Use IDS Search to show how to use truncation.
Group 6 Use IDS Search to show how to use “OR” to add synonyms for your search terms.
Group 7 Use IDS Search to show edited collections of scholarly essays.
Group 8 Use MLA to search broadly to find articles.
Group 9 Use MLA to show how to request an article via interlibrary loan.
Group 10 Use Academic Search Complete to find book reviews.
Group 11 Use ProQuest to find interviews with the novelist.
Use the MLA database and the Academic Search Complete database to find three articles (at least 2 should be scholarly articles) on your topic.
Use this GoogleDoc to record what you find in class.
Now use IDS Search to find 2 books on your topic as well; add the titles of the books you find to the GoogleDoc you used earlier.