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LGBTQ+ Studies

Resources supporting Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ+) Studies.

LGBTQ+ Films

Browse a list of LGBTQ themed films from our media collection.

Academic Video Online: LGBT Studies Collection

  • If you are off-campus, sign into MyGeneseo before accessing this link.

Films on Demand: LGBTQ+ films

  • If you are off-campus, sign into MyGeneseo before accessing this link.

Stonewall Uprising - Online documentary of a major turning point in the modern gay civil rights movement.

Search GLOCAT, the Library Catalog

Find library-owned books by performing a keyword search in GLOCAT, the Library's catalog. A useful strategy would be to combine the words gay, lesbian, or homosexual, or their variants, with other relevant search terms on your topic.


  • The keyword search  for lesbians AND "Latin America" – Note that both search terms must appear in the records returned and putting quotes around Latin America searches it as a phrase.
  • Use the asterisk symbol to retrieve records for as many relevant titles as possible: Germany AND homosexual*  finds records for books with the words Germany and either homosexual, homosexuals, or homosexuality.

Select the Right Collection

In GLOCAT, you can filter to different collections that will help you locate different types of materials.

  • Physical Collections will find print materials available in our collection on-campus.
  • Electronic Resources will find articles from databases.
  • SUNY & Worldwide Libraries will search for books & other items you can request through IDS.

Image of the GLOCAT's collection limiter:

Types of Collections in GLOCAT


Looking for LGBTQ+ themed books?  The book lists below are a great place to browse.  Once you have a few titles in mind, you can check GLOCAT or request the titles through IDS!