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Research Data Management at SUNY Geneseo

Data management includes the processes of collecting, organizing, describing, sharing, and preserving data. This guide will help you plan for and prepare a data management plan and learn about the data lifecycle and research data management.

Introduction to Data Management Planning

Research Data Management & Sharing Plans (DMSPs) - or sometimes Data Managment Plans (DMPs) - are now required as part of grant proposals for federal funding. DMSP/DMPs describe how you will collect, document, analyze, store, preserve, and share the data that you collect with the support of the grant funds.

Infographic of Data Management Plan parameters. Details listed below.

Parameters of a DMS Plan

  • Page limit: 2 pages or less is most common.
  • Living document: Plan must be updated as research evolves and/or changes.
  • 6 required elements
    • Data Type - What data/metadata will be generated; how will it be processed, managed, preserved, and shared? Will any data not be shared? Why?
    • Related Tools, Software, and/or Code - What tools/software are needed to support reproducibility? How can they be accessed? How long will they be available?
    • Standards - What standards will be applied to data/associated metadata? If no discipline consensus data standards exist, consider committing to general or interdisciplinary standards or simply state that no consensus data standards exist.
    • Data preservation, Access, and Associated Timeline - What repository will be used? How will data be findable/identifiable? When will what be made available and for how long?
    • Access, Distribution, or Reuse Considerations - Are there any limitations or restrictions to data sharing?
    • Oversight of Data Management and Sharing - How will the plan be monitored and by whom?

Guidance and Requirements for Writing a Data Management Plan


DMPTool logo

DMPTool is a free, open-source, online application that helps researchers create data management plans (DMPs) provided by the California Digital Library. It provides a click-through wizard for creating a DMP that complies with funder requirements. It also has direct links to funder websites, help text for answering questions, and data management best practices resources.

Repository Options with SUNY Geneseo and SUNY

KnightScholar logo

KnightScholar Repository is the institutional repository for SUNY Geneseo. KnightScholar is a discipline agnostic platform that can store and provide open access to data files. KnightScholar Repository is supported by the College Library. Contact the KnightScholar Services Team for more information at


Dryad logo

Dryad is a discipline agnostic platform and non-for-profit data community managed by the California Digital Library. SUNY is currently in a pilot agreement with Dryad. Using their ORCID ID, SUNY researchers can deposit their data into Dryad for in-perpetuity at no cost. Published data is automatically assigned a DOI.

Search for Data Repositories

re3data logo

Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It includes repositories that enable permanent storage of and access to data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions.


DataOne logo

DataOne is a community driven program providing access to data across multiple member repositories, supporting enhanced search and discovery of Earth and environmental data.