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GEOG 123 The Developing World: Finding International News

Library Instruction Objectives

GOAL: To locate current news stories on the developing world from foreign & U.S. news sources.


STEP 1: Start browsing topics from a specific country.

  • BBC News or BBC News Country Profiles may be very helpful in providing basic news & information about countries around the world.
  • is a great place to see what's happening with the Sustainable Development Goals in your country.
  • You can also find news & information about many countries from From the webpage, click on the globe at the top right of the page, then select the country you're interested in. The information here generally relates to various development initiatives taking place in the countries, so you may find a particular subject of interest here & use that as a starting point as you search for news & information. Not all countries' websites are in English, but if not, there's a pop-up box of the top of the page that gives you the option to use Google Translate to translate the site to English.

​​STEP 2:  Locate foreign & U.S. news sources:

  • The easiest way to find news sources from a particular country is to run a Google search with the following in the search box: site:fr (or the two-letter country code of whichever country you’re interested in), then click on the News link near the top of the page. To find the two-letter country code for your country, go to
  • To find lists of newspapers or other media from a particular country, check that country's Wikipedia page.

STEP 3:  Be sure to VERIFY that the newspapers you are finding originate from your target country.


Alternatives for North Korea

Sources from some countries like North Korea are nearly impossible to find. Your professor has provided two sources that ARE acceptable for North Korea:


Recommended Resouces

Online Resources for International News Sources

Tips for Identifying the Origin of a Source

When Using Nexis Uni:

  • Select Advanced Search/News.
  • Type in search terms: e.g., (“cote d’ivoire” OR “ivory coast”) AND (cocoa OR chocolate OR cacao).
  • Set your date range (left side of the page).
  • When finished, click Search at the bottom of the page.
  • In your Results list, use the "Location by Publication" limiter on the left side of the page to narrow down the number of results & see if any of them are from your country.

For news sources found online, search the website for clues about its country of origin: