These multidisciplinary databases cover a wide range of subject areas and can be an excellent starting place for just about any topic!
These databases might be a little trickier to use than the databases in the first column and the articles might be a little tougher to understand, but they can also provide you with some of the best information available on the subjects you are researching. We have far more databases than what is listed here, but this should get you started.
Keep in mind that we have hundreds of databases that cover a wide range of topics. If you cannot find something, it's possible you're not looking in the right place. Please do not hesitate to ask us if you have any questions, that's what we are here for!
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Use an asterisk to substitute for letters at the end of a word (e.g. crit* finds critic, criticism, critique etc.).
Use quotes to search multiple words as a phrase (e.g. "new age" finds these terms in exact order).
Search authors as a subject to eliminate works written by the author instead of about them.
Use a Thesaurus and subject headings/desriptors provided in your results list to help you come up with even more search terms:
Limit to peer-reviewed (or at least scholarly) articles to find those most desirable for work at the college level. (Peer-review explained: Some journals require articles to be reviewed by other professionals in a particular field before they can be published. These are considered the cream of the crop in scholarly articles.)
Print journals are shelved alphabetically by journal title on the UPPER level.