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Gender & Narration

ENGL 101, Professor Beltz-Hosek


Once you understand how to perform searches, finding books in the new GLOCAT is easy. One way is to type in the keywords in the "Simple Search" box. Then, go to "Modify Your Results" (column on the left) and refine your search results by "Material type: Books"Modify your search results by selecting Material Type in GLOCAT

Another way to find books: by clicking the "Advanced Search" option in the right side of the search box. Then, fill in the form that shows up and select "Books" from the drop down menu of "Material Type". Finally, click the "Search" button.

Select Advanced Search in GLOCAT and select Material Type


To search for articles, repeat the steps to look for books. In both search options select "Articles" from the material "Material type" section instead of "Books".  

Another way to search for an article is by using "Citation Linker". Use this option when you know the title of the material you are looking for or have the bibliographic record of the source. 

Fetch an item in GLOCAT using Citation Linker

(1) Click the fourth tab of the blue menu bar on top of the page. This is the "Citation Linker" tab. 

(2) Select the type of material you need. In this case is "Article" and fill the form.

(3) Click the green "Submit" button to pull up the results list. 


To look for a journal go to the blue bar at the top of the webpage and click on "Search Journal". A search box like the one below will appear.

GLOCAT Journal Search Box

Then, type in the keywords or title of the journal, browse the results and click on the journal title of your interest to see the complete electronic access options. Once in the journal record scroll down to the "View Online" section and click the "Show License" button.  Then, click one of the "Full Text Availability" options to check for dates available. Clicking any of these options will take out of GLOCAT and land you into the database that host the journal. (See video below)

Another way to search for journal is to type in the keywords in the basic search box and then "Modify Your Results" by "Material type: Journals". 

Audio Visuals

Click "Advanced Search" option at the right side of the search box. In the "Material type" option of the form that show up select "Sound Recordings" or "Videof/Film" from the drop down menu. Then, click the "Search" button". 

You can, also, search for audio visuals by typing the the keywords in the "Simple Search" box. Then, "Modify your results" for "Audio Visuals" or "Videos"