By using one or a combination of the search terms provided below, you can run a quick search using Google or the library catalog. By utilizing the library catalog, you can conveniently search through both physical and electronic collections simultaneously. GLOCAT is an excellent source to start your research. Use "Advanced Search" to limit your searches by material type and collections. You can also narrow your results by "peer-reviewed" or "open access" materials. The library catalog is an excellent starting point for researching about citation justice. Use the "Advanced Search" feature to refine your search by material type and collection. You can also narrow your results by "peer-reviewed" or "open access".
citation justice, citational justice, critical citation, inclusive citation, citation diversity, citation politics
Matilda Effect, Matthew Effect
All of these articles can be accessed through the library. If you encounter any difficulties accessing an article, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.