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Individualized Studies: Home

About ISM

An Individualized Studies Major (ISM), either as a B.A. or B.S., allows students to assemble courses from two or more prefixes to create an interdisciplinary major that doesn't already exist. Recent ISMs have included Theatre as Social Therapy, Corporate Education, and Childhood Development through Play. 

Housed in the Center for Integrative Learning, the Individualized Studies Majors - known at some colleges as “Design Your Own Major” programs - meet Geneseo learning outcomes (GLOBE) by helping you connect knowledge and skills across areas and make connections to issues facing today’s society. 

INTD 275

Looking to build your research skills? Enroll in INTD 275, a 1-credit online, asynchronous course that is offered in the second half of fall and spring semesters. 

INTD 275 Information Research Strategies is taught by a faculty librarian that focuses on developing students’ research abilities to hone their “information literacy”—the ability to recognize when information is needed and knowing how to locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for academic research. Offerings of this course will focus on information literacy concepts, which may include developing research questions/topics, accessing information sources, formulating search strategies, analyzing sources critically, utilizing library-specific collections, managing information, publishing scholarly content, or using information ethically. Course work in this class will include readings, viewing multimedia, discussions, and a variety of assignments that emphasize the processes involved in research.

Popular Databases

For the full list of databases, visit A-Z Databases.

Helpful Research Guides

For the full list of research guides, visit Guides by Subject.


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Becky Leathersich
Fraser Hall Library 203A
(585) 245-5542