Just as your home address helps people find where you live, a call number indicates where materials in Milne Library are located. It's a code that will give you clues as to which floor, area, and shelf the book, CD, DVD, or other item will be found. Milne uses the Library of Congress Classification System to assign call numbers. In this system, the first two or three lines of a call number identify the subject of a book or other item.
PL 1001-3208 Chinese Language and Literature
PC 2001-3761 French Language
PQ 1-3999 French Literature
PF 3001-5999 German Language
PT 1-4897 German Literature
PC 1001-1977 Italian Language
PQ 4001-5999 Italian Literature
PL 501-899 Japanese Language and Literature
PG 2001-3987 Russian Language and Literature
PC 4001-4977 Spanish Language
PQ 6001-8929 Spanish Literature
Search these catalogs for books and media about your topic. Look for Subject Headings in a record. These can lead you to other sources or help you come up with other search terms.
Reference resources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, etc.) are intended to help in finding general background information on a subject or for verifying specific facts. They will often have bibliographies which will enable you to find even more information on your subject.
If you are having difficulty finding specific information, please Ask a Librarian!
Features & Service Locations at Milne
Geneseo Authors Hall preserves over 90 years of scholarly works.
KnightScholar facilitates creation of works by the SUNY Geneseo community.
IDS Project is a resource-sharing cooperative.