Before you begin using electronic resources off-campus, we highly suggest that you log into MyGeneseo. This will authenticate your computer and make using the databases off-campus seamless!
If you don't login to MyGeneseo before using a library resource from off campus, you will be prompted for your Geneseo Email and password.
Next, click on "Sign in Another Way". This will give you multiple options to authenticate your account, including using a verification code from a mobile authentication app such as the Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authentication app; texting you again; or an automated call to give you the code. Whichever method you choose, once you select a method, get the code and type it in.
You will be given the option to stay signed in; this may reduce the number of times you have to do this in the future.
Once you input the correct code, you will be put through to the database and can search as normal.
If you don't know your password or need assistance accessing Canvas for your online class, you can contact the CIT HelpDesk.
For more assistance using Canvas, check out this self help guide for students.
APA citation for this video:
[EBSCO Tutorials]. (2019, February 27). Introduction to EBSCOhost - Tutorial [Video File].
APA citation for this video:
ProQuest Training. (2015, Aug. 15). Advanced search [Video File].