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INTD 205: Business Communication: Web Resouces

Assorted Resources

Searching for business communications from a particular country?  

First, try searching for a list of top corporations from your country, then try searching for the name of a corporation and the terms letter OR correspondence OR email.  (You may need to try a few different company names before you find the type of correspondence you wish to analyze.  You may also want to search in the language of the country. For example, when looking for correspondence from the Spanish company Acerinox, your search strategy would be: Acerinox carta OR correspondencia OR memorándum OR email).

Tips for searching Google include:

  • Try using Google Advanced Search
  • Google ignores the word AND as a search operator. But typing OR in all caps will find similar or related terms (e.g. letter OR correspondence OR memo OR email).
  • Search for a particular document type (e.g. Walmart letter OR correspondence OR email filetype:pdf)
  • Search for data on a particular site or domain (e.g. letter OR correspondence OR email
  • Exclude words by using a - (minus sign) in front of the word you wish to exclude

Web Accessibility

Tip: Try searching in library databases such as Business Source Complete (recommended databases) using keywords such as accessibility AND websites AND (corporat* OR business* OR compan*) to locate articles on why web accessibility might be important for businesses.

Contact your librarian

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Alan Witt
Milne 206F
(585) 245-5213