Specialized encyclopedias and other reference sources are a great place to begin your research. They provide an overview of your topic, suggest further reading, and can be a great resource when brainstorming search terms to use in databases when searching for books and articles.
Want more tips for getting started? Check out this guide on how to begin your research .
If you need help researching a country, state or city, sign up for a one-on-one Research Consultation with a reference librarian who can help guide you through your research project.
Some country information you need may be in a language you cannot speak/read. To decipher information in other languages:
Gross National Product (GNP): sum of all the products and services based on citizenship of the owners rather than the territory. The GNP for the USA would take all the production of any American Nationals and add it up. So if an American is in another country, his production would be considered part of America's GNP.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): the production that occurs within a country's (or state's) borders. In this case the production of that American in another country is part of that country's GDP but part of America's GNP.
Gross National Income (GNI): total value produced within a country (ie: GDP) combined with its income received from other countries.